travel 5 medications I wish I'd brought on my trip to Southeast Asia As an emergency room doctor, I keep these medications in my bag to treat the most common health problems while traveling. Everyone should travel with a medical kit, and I recommend you consider adding these items to your kit.
An open letter to Jon Snow about his survival supplies Hey there, Jon. Sorry to bother you. I know it's been a busy couple of weeks for you, preparing for the arrival of the Night King and everything.
defibrillator How not to drop dead What keeps the heart pumping, why it stops, and how to avoid the latter, from an ER doctor and disaster prep startup
hedging Hedging personal risk: What Wall Street gets wrong and doctors get right about disasters What Wall Street gets wrong and doctors get right about protecting your health and preparing for disasters
long tail The long-tail doctor visit that could save your life When protecting their greatest asset, their health, even expert investors neglect to address the long-tail risk.
Influenza Preparing for a flu pandemic How to prepare for a flu pandemic, from Duration Health, the boutique medical practice dedicated to disaster planning
Getting Started Welcome to Duration Health Duration Health is a boutique medical practice dedicated to keeping you and your family healthy when medical care becomes unavailable.